DT Curriculum
DT Intent
The aim at Trinity Croft C of E Primary Academy is to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, resilient and successful, life-long learners.
Through the implementation of a broad and balanced curriculum, we aim for our children to have high aspirations and to make an active and positive contribution to their school, their community and the wider society; now and in the future.
Our DT curriculum allows children to lead their own learning in order to discover things for themselves. All pupils, regardless of their starting points, are encouraged to expand their skills and knowledge in DT through rich and broad curriculum activities. We want our children to be independent, creative and solve real and relevant problems considering wants and values.
DT Whole School Long Term Plan from EYFS to Year 6
D&T Whole School Long Term Plan.pdf
Component and Composite Knowledge Overview Examples
Year 1 Component and Composit Knowledge for DT.pdf
Year 4 Component and Composite Knowledge For DT.pdf
DT Curriculum Sequence
DT Curriculum overview 2022.pdf
Example of DT Assessment Maps
DT Year 1 assessment map- Shade and Shelter (1).pdf
DT Year 4 assessment map- Functional and Fancy Fabrics.pdf
Link to DT National Curriculum
DT at Trinity Croft

Making a moving mechanism- class 5