Art Curriculum
Art Intent
At Trinity Croft we encourage the children to find enjoyment, fulfilment and achievement in art, craft and design and to see themselves as artists, designers and craft workers. We value the art work of our children and celebrate their achievements with high quality displays, fostering a real sense of pride in their work.
Throughout all year groups, we offer a wide range of creative opportunities to develop artistic skills in drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, textiles and printing. We build on the artistic skills, experience and understanding which each child already possesses, ensuring a progression of key skills.
Most of our artwork is linked to cross curricular work which gives it a real purpose and also provides opportunities for studying historical, cultural and religious art. It is through these art activities that children develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. They also learn to use a range of materials and tools effectively and competently
We teach our children to appreciate the work of artists and craftspeople and to use them as valuable sources of inspiration for their own work. They are also encouraged to evaluate their own work and that of their peers
Curriculum information
Component and Composite Knowledge Overview Year 1 and 4.pdf
Art and Design Curriculum Overview 2022.pdf
Year 1 - End of year expected statements.pdf
Year 4- End of year expected statements .pdf
Examples of year one assessment maps.
Y1 Funny Faces and Fabulous Features.pdf
Examples of year four assessment maps
Y4 Contrast and Complement.pdf
Y4 Statues, Statuettes, and Figurines.pdf
Art at Trinity Croft

Below you will find some pictures of your children's fantastic art work that is linked to their class topic.
Tiger Cubs art work
Tiger Cubs used their own colourful handprints for their diversity flower art work.
Tiger Cubs created their own bear masks, using paint and collage materials.
Tiger Cubs collected autumn leaves for their hedgehog art.
Leaf rubbings created by Tiger Cubs.
FS2 art
FS2 children enjoyed collecting natural resources and creating their own Leaf Man.
Year 1 art
Natural resources were collected by year 1 children to create an autumn picture.
Year 1 children moulded their own clay dinosaurs and used modroc for their dinosaur eggs.
Year 2 art

Year 3 art

Year 4 art

Year 5 art

Year 6 art
'Picture This' Art work Exhibition