Class 2
Welcome to Class 2!
Ms Davis, Miss Lewis and Miss Cawthorne
Welcome back, everybody! We hope that you’re ready for our exciting spring term in Class 2!
This term, our topic is called ‘Coastlines’.
This project teaches children about the physical and human features of coastal regions across the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the coastal town of Whitby.
Useful Vocabulary
arch |
atlas | bay | beach |
cardinal point |
cave |
cliff |
coastguard |
coastline | compass |
erosion | harbour |
headland |
human feature |
key |
lifeboat |
lighthouse |
map | ocean |
physical feature |
pier |
route |
sea |
sea wall |
stack |
symbol |
Companion Projects
There are 4 companion projects that we will study alongside our Coastlines work this term. These include:
Beach Hut: This project teaches children about making and strengthening structures, including different ways of joining materials.
Flower Head: This project teaches children about the visual elements of flowers, including shape, texture, colour, pattern and form. They also explore various artistic methods, including drawing, printmaking and 3-D forms, using paper and clay.
Uses of Materials: This project teaches children about the uses of everyday materials and how materials' properties make them suitable or unsuitable for specific purposes. They begin to explore how materials can be changed.
Plant Survival: This project teaches children about the growth of plants from seeds and bulbs. They observe the growth of plants first hand, recording changes over time and identifying what plants need to grow and stay healthy.
We ask that all children read three times per week for around 10 minutes to an adult. Please sign and date in your child’s diary when they have read at home.
Children will learn a new spelling rule in class each week. Then, they will have a list of these spellings sent home to practise. There will be a quiz each Friday.
There will also be a table of ‘Year 2 Common Exception Words’ that children should be confident reading and writing at the end of year 2. These words will stay the same each week for a full half term. During the spelling quiz, we will pick two or three words at random from this list.
Each Friday, there will also be a grammar or maths activity set. Children can hand this in at anytime during the following week but it should be handed in by Friday. If your child finds the homework tricky, you can of course help them and work together, or they can bring it to us and we will help in school. If anybody misplaces their homework or spellings, spares are always kept in the cloakroom.
We will host reading and homework breaktimes for anybody who doesn’t get the chance to complete these activities at home so that everybody has the chance to build on their skills.
Children can also complete the Topic activities sent home at the start of the term.
Our PE days this term are Wednesday and Thursday. Children may come to school in their PE kits on these days: black bottoms/shorts and a white top. Children without the correct PE kit will be given spare kit to wear. Please also ensure that children are not wearing earrings on these days and that long hair is tied back.
Home Learning Links
If you are looking for some extra activities to do at home, these websites have some great challenges and ideas!