F2 - Foundation Stage 2

Welcome to Foundation Stage 2 with Mrs Myers and Mrs Parkin

EYFS Intent statement.pdf

Key Person Information

EYFS Expectations 

Autumn 2 2024 - Marvellous Machines

In the Marvellous Machines project, your child will learn about technology that is part of their daily lives. They will explore various machines, learn about how machines help us and find out about how machines have changed and developed over time. They will learn about products that use electricity to make them work and explore magnetic and non-magnetic materials.


Please share these key facts at home with your child -



Please explore these key words together, discussing what each word means - 




 Supporting your child with this topic at home - 

  • Talk about the machines and technology you use in your everyday lives.
  • Look for things in the home that are powered by electricity.
  • Look for items that are powered by batteries.
  • Share and discuss the Did you know? resource.
Important information - 



Our PE day this term will be on Thursdays. On PE days, children need to come to school in their PE kits and earrings removed.



We will be continuing with the Read, Write, Inc.(RWI) programme. Phonics is taught every day so that children become familiar with their sounds to enable them to progress when reading and writing. RWI sound videos are shared through Dojo for you to support learning at home too. Please see below for further information regarding reading in FS2. 


Reading books

Early Reading is key to all we do and incredibly important across the whole of our curriculum, so your support is vital in helping your child develop the confidence and love of reading to reach their full potential.   We do expect the children to read at home at least three times a week and have this signed weekly in their reading diaries. As your child moves through our RWI phonics scheme, supporting books will be sent home in their book bag, please ensure that you check book bags daily. Children will continue to choose a 'reading for pleasure' book which can be changed every Thursday morning. 


Other information

Please ensure that children come to school every day with a water bottle and book bag, as well as adequate clothing for the weather. Outdoor provision is a huge part of the Early Years curriculum and children will have opportunities to go outside in all weather. We also please ask to ensure your child’s name is on all of their possessions, including all clothes, water bottles, packed lunches and bags/book bags.



 Recommended Texts :

Class Gallery 

All about reading in FS2

Reading Expectations in Foundation Stage 2 Presentation 



Information about Read. Write. Inc. (Phonics) sounds and letter formation

To teach our children to read fluently we use Read Write Inc. Phonics. Please see below for further information. 

Information about how we teach children to read and write at Trinity Croft.

RWI Handwriting Phrases - Support with letter formation at home.


RWI Speed Sounds Chart - Children in FS2 will know all sounds in Set 1 and Set 2 by the end of this school year:

Read Write Inc. for Parents - This website gives more information about the RWI scheme that we use in school.